Category: Books

  • The books 2023 – recommendations

    Yesterday, I posted a list of the books I read in 2023. Today, I’ll pore over that list and make some recommendations! That’s not the same as telling you which of these books were the best. The best book on the list is Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason, an epoch-making work that has a serious…

  • The books (2023)

    Full list of all the books I read (and finished) in 2023. It’s substantially shorter than last year’s, though pretty much in line with that of two years ago. I’ll write a separate post about which books were the best, the most interesting, or otherwise especially worth talking about.

  • The books (2022)

    Full list of all the books I read (and finished) in 2022. With 72 books, it’s the most reading I’ve done in a long time. A good mix of books I just read to relax at times when I was tired (Zelazny, Van Gulik) and some really good fiction, philosophy and other non-fiction. Anonymous, De…

  • The books (2021)

    In 2019, I read 27 books. In 2020, I decided to challenge myself and read at least 50 books; which I managed to do, in fact reading as many as 63. But one thing I noticed was a perverse desire to read short books, since short books would get me to my goal faster. To…

  • The 50 book challenge

    In 2019, I read 27 books. But I wanted to read more. I wanted to find a way to motivate myself to pick up a book in the evening, rather than spend time on my phone, or the internet, or playing a computer game, or doing who knows what. I love reading books. But it’s…